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The Other Side of Parenting

'Fathers Far From Okay'

June 15, 2018

Post-natal depression effects one in seven Australian women who give birth every year. The mood disorder is well-known for its impact on new and expecting mothers in the perinatal period. But what is the other side of the story? Can fathers also suffer from PND? A recent study conducted by the University of Southern California says it can - with statistics almost as high as for women. We spoke to two new parents, along with Australian psychologist Amelia Stojanovik, about this issue. 

The Other Side of Social Media

'​Rise  of  the  Instafamous'

June 16, 2018

Multinational social media app Instagram has been copping some bad press lately. The app has been labelled the worst for its user's mental health. But what is the other side of the story? Can Instagram actually be used as a positive tool? TOSS met up with academic Ellese Ferdinands and two Instagrammers to discuss whether the app is ultimately good or harmful. 

The Other Side of Mardi Gras

'​Biphobia  in  the  Queer  Community'

June 17, 2018

The annual Mardi Gras parade thrown in Sydney's vibrant city is known for its inclusiveness and celebration of LGBT rights. But what's the other side of the story? Digital reporter Annaliese Shaw investigates how Mardi Gras are leaving the 'B' out of 'LGBT'. Why has there never been a bi float at the Mardi Gras? Click to listen! 

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The Other Side of Contraception

'Here Comes the Male Pill'

June 18, 2018

IUD or I U Don’t? Reporters Ellen and Sharen dive headfirst into the world of contraception, on a mission to find out about the development of the worlds first contraceptive pill for men – and what they find may surprise you! We speak to Dr Sab Ventura, Monash Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Lead Researcher in the development of the Male Contraceptive Pill and Dr Mary Stewart, Senior Medical Officer from Family Planning NSW.

The Other Side of Law Enforcement

'Police and Mental Health'

June 18, 2018

Given the ongoing Black Lives Matter movement, and the growing tension between law enforcement and protestors, the reputation of police may be at an all time low. But what is the other side of the story? Law enforcement officers in Australia currently have one of the highest rates of suicide in the world, with eight people dying by suicide every day. Police see the other side of life that many Australians don’t see, leaving officers more vulnerable to mental health challenges than your average person. Police officers are human too, so we met up with the Hon. Tony Grant (police and emergency services Minister) and three other senior constables to hear some of the challenges they've faced both mentally and physically. 

The Other Side of Homelessness

'Youth Couch Surfing'

June 19, 2018

Typically, most of us know homelessness to be the incidence of people living it tough out on the streets of our local suburbs and major cities. But what is the other side of the story? How much do we know about other forms of homelessness? TOSS investigates the realities of couch surfing and the lack of residential stability that affects thousands of Australians daily. We met up with a former couch surfer whose situation affected him in all walks of life. Click here to read and listen to more about this silent epidemic.

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The Other Side of Floodplain Haversting

An irrigators ‘free-for-all’ or the mere formalisation of an existing right?

June 19, 2018

Floodplain harvesting licensing in the Murray-Darling Basin is underway. But amid the media scrutiny, is this really a good news story? Is this an irrigators free-for-all or the mere formalisation of an exisiting right?

The Other Side of Live Exports

'Is It All Necessary?'

June 20, 2018

Hundreds of live sheep were literally melting in their own skin last August upon the Emmanuel Exports vessel, now millions are calling for live exports to be banned. Answer me this Tossers, has anyone given any thought to the substantial contribution of the industry to our economy or the thousands of jobs it creates in rural Australia?

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